Look4 Builders is completely free to use. You will not get charged for searching or requesting a quote from one of the Tradespeople listed on Look4 Builders.
To use Look4 Builders is really simple. All you need to do is find the service you are looking for from our drop down list, enter your location, then select a price, if appropriate and submit. You will then see a match of those builders that meet your requirements.
Next all you need to do is use the simple form to contact the builder.
Look4 Builders does not store any of your information. When you submit your quote request this is sent directly to the builder(s) you chose.
We encourage builders to find us. However, we ensure that all tradespeople are vetted to ensure that all the information they present is accurate. We also encourage our customers to review their experience with Look4 Builders and their chosen builder.
Look4 Builders is designed to help put you in touch with builders that meet you specific needs.
Look4 Builders is part of Look4 Group which does provide a similar service for other trades and other services such as:
If you would like to find out more please visit